If you can imagine it, Odulair can build it! Of course we can't break the laws of physics, but we can build Mobile Clinics for nearly every medical specialty that you can imagine. Chances are that you probably know which medical specialty that you're interested in, but you should be aware that we can often combine medical specialties to create a multi-purpose medical vehicle to help you optimize the efficiency of your mobile healthcare program.
Click on our PRODUCTS page to learn more about all of our medical vehicle uses.
Odulair, LLC 109 E. 17th Street #63, Cheyenne WY 82001 USA Phone: +1 307 459 1350 E-mail: info@odulair.com
© 2008 - 2017 Copyright Odulair LLC. All Rights Reserved. Odulair, Kiosk Clinics and "medical from the ground up" are trademarks of Odulair LLC.